NOAC 2012


NAME____________________________________LODGE #______________

JUDGE_________________________________CONTEST #______________

Scale (except for Item 8 – Overall): 0 = Missing or Incorrect Item; 1-3 = Acceptable;
4-6 = Good; 7-9 = Excellent; 10 = Superior

Item 1: HEAD – Roach, Roach Feathers, Spreader, Scalp Feathers                                         (10) ____
Superior: Roach – well made, worn correctly, appropriate flare, length should be a minimum of 14”, coordinated with outfit, with spreader and roach feathers, or pheasant tails tipped with fluffs (can be decorated. Porcupine hair roaches are necessary). Headband, beaded or other decoration method, colors should coordinate with the outfit.

Acceptable: Fiber roach, un-coordinated color porky roaches, inadequate length, poorly constructed or worn out roach.

Incorrect: Bandannas, no roach, war bonnets, animal skin headgear, missing spreader, feather visors, missing items.

Item 2: BODY/CHEST AREA – Yoke, Body Covering, Tie, Breast Plate                          (10) ____
Superior: Yoke with coordinated colored designs in beaded or fabric appliqué, sequins, with chainette fringe or ribbon, adequate length. Body covering to include full tights color coordinated with outfit. Beaded necktie and collar. Decorated Otter breastplate, Loop necklace, or bone breastplate, worn appropriately.

Acceptable: Items that do not coordinate well with the outfit, inappropriate body covering length of yoke or fringe. Plain or undecorated items.

Incorrect: Lack of proper fringe, t-shirt, no body covering, yarn fringe, bandoliers, OA sash, missing items.

Item 3: BUSTLE                                                                                                              (10) ____       
Superior: Well-constructed round or shingle back bustle in coordinated colors, adequate size and contain uprights and a trailer. Trailer should be decorated with feathes and be a single or double trailer. Feather decoration, clean design and execution, colors complementing and coordinating with outfit, and properly worn. Back bustle should be affixed to waist.

Acceptable: Round bustle with little color or un-coordinated colors.

Incorrect: No bustle, poorly made bustle, traditional style bustle, missing items or poor materials.

Item 4: ARMS –Armbands, Cuffs                                                                                      (10) ____
Superior: Beaded as part of a set decorated with fluffs or ribbon hanging from armbands.  Cuffs worn at the wrist with appropriate design elements as to coordinate with the overall theme of the outfit. Beadwork and/or quillwork on armbands and cuffs. Silver or well-made brass armbands are acceptable.

Acceptable: Armbands plain, cuffs are plain or mismatched in overall theme of outfit.

Missing/Incorrect: No armbands or cuffs.

Item 5: HANDS –Fan, Mirror Board, Dance Hoop, Dance Stick, Other                                    (10) ____
Superior: Fan, flat or loose, mirror board. Beaded or decorated dance stick or dance hoop; can be otter, leather, or other fur wrapping or decorated in an appropriate way. All must fit with the overall look of the outfit.

Acceptable: Undecorated items, only one hand item.

Missing/Incorrect: No hand articles. Objects considered to be from other styles.

Item 6: MID-BODY – Aprons, Belt, Optional Side Tabs                                                (10) ____
Superior: Aprons, of adequate length and width to cover mid body, with coordinated colored designs in fabric appliqué, sequins, or beaded, edged in chainette fringe or ribbon. Belt, beaded or other decoration (Concho, tack), coordinated colors. Side tabs (optional) adequately covering space between front and back aprons,

Acceptable: Un-decorated aprons and plain belt.

Improper: No aprons, no belt. Breechcloths, no fringe on aprons edges, missing items.

Item 7: LEGS & FEET – Goats, Bells, Knee Bands, Moccasins                                      (10) ____      
Superior: Angora “goats” or other appropriate animal, white, appropriate length, worn correctly. (Goats maybe dyed to match overall theme of outfit. Colors must be appropriate to overall look.) Other ankle coverings could include dyed strung feathers, although not necessary. Leg and ankle bells, sleigh or any variation of bells, fastened neatly, worn at both sides and at ankle. Ankle bells do not interfere with goats, properly attached. Knee bands, beaded, quilled, or other material. Beaded or quilled leather moccasins, colors coordinated with outfit.

Acceptable: Goats of questionable length or size, gaps in the back, dirty. Undecorated leather moccasins or colored water shoes, canvas deck shoes painted or partially beaded. Bells loosely attached, wrong size or number for dancing.

Missing/Incorrect: No goats, bells, or moccasins. Leggings, tennis shoes, leather soft sole moccasins, missing items.

Scale: 1-5 Good start, room for improvement; 6-10 Solid basic outfit, lacking some items;
11-15 Excellent; 16-20 Superior

Does the outfit have the right “look”? Does it look complete?                                                  (20) ____
Is it consistent? Is the movement appropriate?

FINAL SCORE (Super Superior 74-90; Superior 50-73; Excellent 25-49; Good 1-24)            (90) ____

A note about outfits:

The most important thing about a Chicken Dance outfit is its overall look. Outfits are meant to be danced in, not to be judged in a still position. The components of your outfit should move well when you dance and work to enhance your dancing style. For this reason, materials, size, shape, and placement of the individual outfit components listed above must be in order. When specific materials are called for – such as beadwork – an adequate substitution of cloth, fabric appliqué, sequins, painted material, or plastic canvas cross-stitch can be used. However, proper colors, designs, and proportions must be in place for the article to get maximum points from the judge. This form is not just a scoring sheet, it is a resource for you to constantly improve your outfit to be the best that it can be. When you look at the individual scores on items 1-7 as well as the overall score, think of what you could do differently next time to improve each item by just a few points. Our goal is to elevate your outfit to a higher level of quality each time you dance. By continually improving your outfit, your individual dance style will improve as well.

A note to all contestants:

This form is designed to outline what a Chicken Dancer would wear at a contemporary powwow. It represents the norm as defined by modern dancers in the northern plains and across the country.

Be aware that although a printed or recorded work may have been relevant at the time of its making, Chicken Dance is an ever-changing dance style and these works can sometimes become outdated within a short period of time. If possible, attend powwows and notice the subtle trends being added to Chicken Dance outfits of today. If you live in an area where it is difficult to attend powwows, you can use resources such as and YouTube to view photos and video footage of powwow dancers. Please be respectful of others’ outfits. Model your outfit after contemporary dancers, but do not copy specific designs.

While Chicken Dance outfits of the past have their place in history, some of the components may not appropriate for contemporary dance styles. Stay current and up-to-date on your outfit style.